Who is the Crafty Witch?

     I am a 31-year-old Wiccan Mom living in Southern California.  I am an artist, married to a Jewish scientist.  I am most passionate about the environment, compassionate living, spirituality, and simple joys.  I have a Bachelor's of Fine Arts degree, but I am putting my career on hold to stay at home while our kids are young.  We have a two-and-a-half year-old son-who I call Little A- and are expecting a little sibling for him in November 2010.
     We look to give our son and future children a spiritually rich upbringing.  We invite Little A to participate in our traditions, which he does eagerly.  He and his siblings will one day choose their own religious path-if any...until then, we are having a blast sharing our beliefs and discovering the many places they intersect.
     This blog is a record of my journey, as I look for fun and creative ways to connect all these dots...